Cornwallis Court


Cornwallis Court, our Royal Masonic Benevolent Care Co (RMBI) home, in Bury Saint Edmunds has fared well during the present coronavirus pandemic.

Whilst a few residents have required hospitalisation most have made a good recovery. An offer of 300 facemasks from Brother Chenguang Sun of Nourse Lodge proved to be of great help in the early stages. The home is now well supplied with PPE and all other requirements from our Masonic charity. The friends of Cornwallis Court have provided a selection of iPads and tablets for the residents to keep in touch with their families, these have proved to be a great success and the initiative will carry on after the pandemic is finished. Our Provincial Grand Almoner, W. Bro. George Brennan is in contact with the home and has recently circulated information to Lodge Almoners together with a letter from the RMBI.