Two Grand Stewards from Cambridgeshire


Two Cambridgeshire brethren have been honoured by the Most Worshipful The Grand Master HRH The Duke of Kent, by their appointment as Grand Stewards.

lambert stollery In accordance with established tradition, Rule 36(a) in the Book Of Constitutions states that “Upon the annual installation of the Grand Master, he shall appoint nineteen Grand Stewards, and for this purpose one Brother shall be recommended annually to the Grand Master for appointment by each of the nineteen Lodges which enjoy the privilege of recommendation for that office.”

Very unusually, two Cambridgeshire brethren have been honoured in the same year with appointments to the rank of Grand Steward. WBro. Mark Stollery (image, r) from Isaac Newton Lodge No. 859 and WBro. Jonathan Lambert (image, l) from Etheldreda Lodge No. 2107 assumed their appointments on the 29th April , although they were not able to be formally invested by the Grand Master due to the coronavirus lockdown.

WBro. Stollery is currently Worshipful Master of Old Union Lodge No.46 and WBro. Lambert is currently Worshipful Master of The Lodge of Regularity No.91, both these lodges, along with 17 others, are known as the Red Apron Lodges and nominate a Grand Steward each year.

The primary role of the Grand Stewards is to organise the Grand Festival, held each year in April after the Grand Investiture, and to assist the Grand Director of Ceremonies in Grand Lodge.

At a subsequent meeting, held with the Grand Secretary and the Deputy Grand Secretary, the new Grand Stewards appoint a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who act as the officers for the ensuing year. At the meeting, this year held on Zoom, WBro. Lambert was appointed as Secretary of the Board of Grand Stewards and is looking forward to the year ahead, despite the coronavirus and the issues it causes.

Whatever this year brings for the two Cambridgeshire brethren, they will, of course, forever be entitled to wear the distinctive red regalia and to take their places in the front rows of Grand Lodge, which are reserved for Past Grand Stewards.