The Current Face of Freemasonry


Installed Masters Lodge meeting

How we all long for the happy Lodge meetings, the comradeship, the friendly and warm masonic handshake, the banter at the festive board and the joy of welcoming new members to our wonderful organisation. Unfortunately, Covid 19 has taken this away from us for now, but I am absolutely sure that those wonderful times will return.

For now, it is vitally important that Cambridgeshire Freemasonry is kept alive and moving forward, while observing as we must, the Government rules and advice regarding the Pandemic. It is also essential for Lodges and Chapters to maintain programmed meetings by a quorate approach and the continued circulation of a Summons for each regular meeting. All instructions to manage this have been circulated by our Provincial Grand Secretary who will also issue a dispensation to meet elsewhere if a Centre is closed.

Our Cambridgeshire Installed Masters Lodge, following all the external and internal guidance, had a meeting on Friday 2nd October 2020 at the March Masonic Centre by dispensation. On the photograph wearing suitable face shields and being properly distanced, are from left to right, W Bro Bob Kidger (treasurer), W Bro David Cameron (stand in JW), W Bro David Adams (Worshipful Master), VW Bro Pat Kilby (SW) and W Bro Danny Ellis (Secretary) Also in attendance was W Bro Cliff Brown who acted as Tyler and representative for the March Centre. The maximum of six.

The meeting was extremely well presided over by the Worshipful Master who after opening the Lodge dealt fully with all agenda items. The other four members present taking various roles to ensure proper adherence to masonic protocol. The full meeting took 45 minutes to complete and after closing we all departed in perfect harmony.

Our sincere thanks go to the Trustees and Management of the March Masonic Centre who having completed a well thought out risk assessment coupled with a well-defined operating procedure are allowing meetings to take place. We were all impressed with the precautions to keep us safe with more than adequate antibacterial wipes and hand gel being available and notices to keep us within the bounds of safety.

Please keep yourselves safe and please let us keep Freemasonry in our wonderful Province of Cambridgeshire as active as possible until we can all meet again in a safe and harmonious environment.

Pat Kilby