Provincial Grand Lodge
of Cambridgeshire
Discover Freemasonry
What is Freemasonry
Learn about our main four principles, degrees and ceremonies
History of Freemasonry
Over a 300-year journey from the medieval era to present days
UGLE Mission Statement
Discover our purpose, vision, mission and values
Keep up to date on our latest news and support for local communities
Women Freemasons
Learn about the two female-only Grand Lodges meeting across the country
Become a Freemason
Why become a Freemason?
Be the best you can be, for yourself and for society around you
Lodges and Chapters
Find a Lodge or a Chapter near where you live, work or study
How to join Freemasonry
Our membership is open to people from all backgrounds, irrespective of their race or religion
Universities Scheme
For university and and further education students in Cambridgeshire
About us
About the province
The Province of Cambridgeshire has a heritage dating back over two centuries
Provincial Grand Masters
Learn about our Provincial Grand Masters and their contribution to the province
Freemasons donate their time, resources and skills for charitable causes in society
Masonic centres
Browse a list of Masonic centres where you live, work or study
Contact us
If you have a query or need more information, we’d love to hear from you
For Freemasons
Upcoming meetings
A diary of upcoming Craft and Chapter meetings in Cambridgeshire
Home of the quarterly Cambridgeshire Mason publication
Cambridgeshire Light Blues
A fun and social club for everyone with a light blue or white apron
The Royal Arch
Discover the fourth and final stage in Pure Antient Masonry
Cambridgeshire Clarets
Supporting the Royal Arch community through companionship and education
Learning and development
Solomon — Fostering curiosity and developing understanding
Discover Freemasonry
What is Freemasonry
Learn about our main four principles, degrees and ceremonies
History of Freemasonry
Over a 300-year journey from the medieval era to present days
UGLE Mission Statement
Discover our purpose, vision, mission and values
Keep up to date on our latest news and support for local communities
Women Freemasons
Learn about the two female-only Grand Lodges meeting across the country
Become a Freemason
Why become a Freemason?
Be the best you can be, for yourself and for society around you
Lodges and Chapters
Find a Lodge or a Chapter near where you live, work or study
How to join Freemasonry
Our membership is open to people from all backgrounds, irrespective of their race or religion
Universities Scheme
For university and and further education students in Cambridgeshire
About us
About the province
The Province of Cambridgeshire has a heritage dating back over two centuries
Provincial Grand Masters
Learn about our Provincial Grand Masters and their contribution to the province
Freemasons donate their time, resources and skills for charitable causes in society
Masonic centres
Browse a list of Masonic centres where you live, work or study
Contact us
If you have a query or need more information, we’d love to hear from you
For Freemasons
Upcoming meetings
A diary of upcoming Craft and Chapter meetings in Cambridgeshire
Home of the quarterly Cambridgeshire Mason publication
Cambridgeshire Light Blues
A fun and social club for everyone with a light blue or white apron
The Royal Arch
Discover the fourth and final stage in Pure Antient Masonry
Cambridgeshire Clarets
Supporting the Royal Arch community through companionship and education
Learning and development
Solomon — Fostering curiosity and developing understanding
News and updates from around the province
Community Support from Fenland Freemasons
June 6, 2022
Ely Masons donation help community growth at Branching Out
May 29, 2022
Children and young people with cancer will receive emotional and financial support thanks to Cambridgeshire Freemasons
May 16, 2022
United Services Lodge No 10010 Consecration
April 25, 2022
Fundamental Lodge up and running
April 25, 2022
Cambridgeshire Freemasons contribute to £500,000 for Ukrainian refugees
April 11, 2022
Celebration of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award donation at Freemasons Hall
March 11, 2022
Freemasons’ Pantomime supporting the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity
March 10, 2022
Ukrainian refugees to get shelter, food and warm clothing
March 5, 2022
Freemasons’ festive support for foodbanks
March 3, 2022
Cambridgeshire Freemasons donate almost £5m to help UK overcome the pandemic
February 23, 2022
Haiti earthquake survivors can rebuild their lives and access safe drinking water
February 12, 2022
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