United Services Lodge No 10010 Consecration


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The latest addition to the Province of Cambridgeshire is the United Services Lodge No 10010 which was Consecrated on the 14th April at the Sports and Community Centre, Wisbech St Mary and attended by a total of 136 participants and visitors.

The Consecration proved to be an outstanding event with 29 of the 31 Founders attending the faultless ceremony led by Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. William Dastur.

The first Master of the Lodge, W.Bro. Tony Mason, was installed with equal professionalism by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Pat Kilby after which the first meeting concluded in routine with propositions for three candidates for Initiation and the promise of several joining members.

The Alms collection raised £724 for Festival 2023 while the raffle raised £765 for the MCF Ukraine Appeal.

The United Services Lodge membership is exclusive to those who have served the Sovereign, full or part-time in the Armed Forces, HM Reserve Forces, Police Service, Fire Service, Ambulance Service, Prison Service and Adults of the Cadet Forces.

The Lodge will parade for regular meetings on the 4th Monday in September (Installation) and the 4th Wednesday in November, February and April at the Masonic Hall, Newmarket. The next regular meeting will be for Installation on Monday 26th September at 1700hrs. All visitors will be warmly welcomed.
