On November 12th, W.Bro. Will Dunn was installed as the Worshipful Master of St Audrey Lodge No. 2727 in Ely, marking a significant moment for both Will and the Province of Cambridgeshire.
While the installation of a new Master is a familiar event for the lodge, which was consecrated in 1898, Will’s journey to this point is notable. He is the first Cambridgeshire Freemason to have been introduced to the freemasonry through the Pathway process, a structured approach to recruitment, and has progressed through every lodge office to reach the Master’s Chair.

Will’s introduction to Freemasonry came through the Provincial Membership Officer, and his rise through the Masonic ranks, from his initiation to being Passed, Raised, and eventually installed as Master, showcases the success of the Pathway system.
Reflecting on the occasion, Will, who lives just eight miles from Ely’s Masonic Hall, expressed his pride:
I’m deeply honoured to have been installed into my wonderful lodge and look forward to my year on the Cambridgeshire ‘Circuit’ of visiting Masters. My initial interest in Freemasonry was in the sense of brotherhood and community and I found the guidance from the Provincial Membership team and the encouragement and Support of the Cambridgeshire Light Blues to be invaluable in laying the foundations of my Masonic journey. I’ve enjoyed working through the various offices on my way to the Master’s Chair and look forward to maintaining the traditions and standards of the Lodge over the next year.
W.Bro. Ed Williams, the Provincial Grand Membership Officer, praised the success of the Pathway initiative, which has been used by the Cambridgeshire Province for several years:
Our Province has been using the principles of Pathway for many years, and it’s wonderful to see this success story. My predecessor and I have enjoyed meeting so many people interested in Freemasonry and guiding them to the lodge which suits them best. I passed through the same process when I became a Freemason back in 2012, and so I’m especially thrilled to see Will on such a similar journey.
The installation ceremony was further highlighted by the presence of Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Jonathan Lambert, who led the Provincial team in attendance. Lambert acknowledged the significance of Will’s achievement:
It’s always an honour to represent the Provincial Grand Master at an Installation meeting, and this was made more special by Will’s story. I’ve met many Freemasons throughout Cambridgeshire and beyond, and while everyone has different reasons for joining and different aspirations for their future, Will’s journey is remarkable. I look forward to seeing him at other Installations during his year in office and wish him well in whatever path he takes in the future.
Will Dunn’s Masonic journey doesn’t end at the Master’s Chair. In 2023, he was exalted into the Royal Arch and now looks forward to progressing through the various offices in Caldwell Chapter No. 2727. As he moves from “Pathway to Archway,” his story continues to be an inspiration for new members in the Province.
The installation of Will Dunn as Worshipful Master of St Audrey Lodge marks not only a personal achievement but also the continuing success of the Pathway initiative in nurturing and guiding future Masonic leaders.