Kynaston Lodge Develops Virtual Lodge of Instruction Meetings


Kynaston V LOI19 Members of Kynaston Lodge attended a virtual LoI Meeting on 17th November


The use of the virtual world is ever increasing due to the pandemic crisis that prevails everyone at the moment. Keen to keep junior brethren in touch, Kynaston Lodge has developed a LoI that combines not only a much needed social get together but also has the aim of providing some “daily advancement” in masonic knowledge.

On the 17th November, nineteen members of the Lodge joined together to hear two presentations from junior brethren. The first, entitled “The Meaning Behind Common Masonic Symbols” was researched, written and presented by the Lodge Senior Deacon, Bro. Nigel Chapman. The second was an item taken from UGLE’s Solomon resource on the meaning behind the ceremonial use of the hoodwink and was presented by Bro. Will Wilson, one of the Lodge Stewards and Secretary of the Cambridgeshire Light Blues Club.

The meeting, hosted by W.Bro. Brian Elliott, was chaired by the LoI Preceptor, W.Bro. David Parker, and included a range of members from senior Past Master, W.Bro. Derek Osborne, PPSGW, the Worshipful Master W.Bro. John Creek, “the Wilson twins”, James and Will and the Lodge’s most recent joining member, Bro. Andy Nicholson.

In closing, David Parker confirmed that it was hoped that future virtual meetings will have similar presentations until such time real LoI’s can resume.