… and continues historic exchange with Kynaston Lodge 5810.
The meeting of Granta Lodge 6179 on the 15th of March was marked by a special occasion, as W.Bro. David Blair was elected an Honorary Member. In a remarkable coincidence, he had already booked in with the Secretary before realising that his own Honorary Membership was on the agenda!
Adding to the significance of the evening was the presence of several officers from Kynaston Lodge 5810, attending as part of the annual exchange visit between the two lodges. The deep-rooted connection between the two lodges dates back to their respective consecrations: Kynaston Lodge was the last to be consecrated in the south of the Province before the outbreak of World War II, while Granta Lodge was the first to be established in the south following the cessation of hostilities in 1945. Although the exchange had lapsed for a period, it was revived around 1969 by the late W. Bros. Bert Truelove and Roy Abraham and has continued without interruption ever since.
The meeting was also notable within the Province due to the application of Rule 121, an unusual procedural move necessitated by the temporary but prolonged absence of two appointed officers. One Brother had relocated to Scotland temporarily, while the other was unable to attend due to health reasons. This also led to an unexpected change in the evening’s proceedings, with the scheduled Raising being replaced by an informative lecture.
The lecture traced the development of Masonic ritual from the tenth century through to the mid-1800s. Originally delivered at Witham Lodge No. 297 in 1863 by the distinguished Revd George Oliver D.D., Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire, it provided fascinating insights into the evolution of Masonic traditions. The presentation was led by W.Bro. Richard George, with W.Bros. Ady Swift, Stuart Cowe, Chris Sennitt, and Bro. Mike Neave engaging in a Q&A format that echoed the methods used in the early days of Freemasonry. This exchange brought to life the historical continuity of Masonic teachings and ritual.
The evening concluded on yet another high note with a proposal by the Secretary to grant Honorary Membership to W.Bro. Les Greig. This was put forward on behalf of his younger brother, Stephen, who was regrettably unable to attend due to an unexpected engine failure on his journey to the meeting. Les Greig, an active member of the Lodge, had faced immense personal challenges following a life-threatening accident. His nomination was seconded by the Lodge elder, W.Bro. Peter Swannell, in recognition of Les’s unwavering commitment to the Lodge.