Fundamental Lodge up and running


976 Fundamental

It was five years in the making, but finally, after delays caused by Covid, the Province’s newest lodge, Fundamental No. 10002, was consecrated on 3rd March at Wisbech St. Mary Community Centre.

The day started at 10am with a mix of anticipation, expectation, trepidation and a pinch of panic. The Founders had worked hard and, for most, it was the first opportunity to meet the Provincial Officers including the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. William Dastur. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro. Jonathan Lambert, rehearsed the Founders in the intricacies of a Consecration, ready for the 2pm start of the ceremony.

The Consecration, led by the ProvGM, was superb and the Consecrating team was magnificent. The Installing Master, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro. Pat Kilby installed WBro. Ash Biswas into the chair of King Solomon in a ceremony that took nearly three hours but seemed to pass quickly. The Festive Board was attended by more than 115 Brethren.

Now the Lodge looks to the future with excitement, hopefulness, anticipation, expectation and trepidation. However, the Founders have a belief that the concept of Fundamental being a family-orientated Lodge is within their grasp.
