Ely Freemasons’ donation helps Fordham Scouts to stay dry


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Descensus Aquarum Lodge No. 8655, which meets in Ely, have held two initiatives during September, the first of which raised £200 for The 1st Fordham Scout Group, who need help for urgent repairs to their building in order to keep open. Lodge Charity Steward John Sinclair successfully applied to The Province of Cambridgeshire Charity for Care and Relief for an additional £500 grant.

On Saturday 24th October, the Lodge made a joint presentation of £950 to the 1st Fordham Scouts which will have a significant start towards the repairs that they so urgently need. This includes £250 contribution from the Ely United Lodge of Instruction.

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Photographs (taken by Bro. Freddie Lawes) show Scout Leader Tom Jacobs pointing out some of the windows, guttering and facias in need of repair to make the building watertight, for the benefit of over 100 children who belong to all the organisations that use this building.

The other photograph shows the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, The Very Worshipful Brother Patrick Kilby presenting the cheque for £950 to Scout Leader Tom Jacobs on behalf of The Province of Cambridgeshire Charity for Care and Relief, Descensus Aquarum Lodge, represented by W. Bro. John Sinclair, and The Ely United Lodge of Instruction, represented by W. Bro. Martin Rose.