Cambridgeshire Masonic Benevolent Association
The Association is one of the first of its kind to be formed in English Freemasonry. Formal motions to establish an organisation to centralise the charitable giving of the Cambridgeshire masons were passed in November 1882.
The role of the CMBA — of which every Freemason of the 33 Lodges in the Province of Cambridgeshire is automatically a member — is to raise funds for, promote, and support, Masonic Charities, The Cambridgeshire Teddies for Loving Care Scheme, and other charities endorsed by Provincial Grand Lodge. The Association supports the central Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) when in Festival, quite substantially. Outside of Festival, the CMBA raises charitable fundsfor The Province of Cambridgeshire Charity for Care and Relief which distributes them for the benefit of poor and distressed masons of the Province of Cambridgeshire, Masonic Charities, and for other Cambridgeshire registered charitable institutions, societies or objects. Basically, outside of Festival, CMBA raises charitable funds and Care & Relief distributes them where they are needed.
Support our charitable work
All Cambridgeshire Masons are strongly encouraged to take out Regular Payment Promises (RPP) to support our charitable work. Your regular donations, whatever the amounts, are gratefully received and faithfully applied.
You can easily set up a regular donation to the CMBA Relief Chest online by entering CMBA as the Relief Chest number:
Raise FREE donations with easyfundraising
The CMBA is now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise free donations for us every time you shop online — at no extra cost to yourself!
Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. It’s completely free and only takes a moment.
The Masonic Charitable Foundation
The Freemasons’ Charity — Supporting Freemasons and their families, as well as local and national charities.
Funded entirely through the generosity of Freemasons and their families, the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) is one of the largest grant-making charities in the country.
The Masonic Charitable Foundation builds better lives by enabling opportunity, advancing healthcare and education and promoting independence.
Get support
When life takes an unexpected turn for the worse, the Masonic Charitable Foundation offers a wide range of grants and support services for financial, health, family and care-related needs.
For more information and support, visit the Masonic Charitable Foundation website.
Cambridgeshire Charity for Care and Relief
As a Province we provide a care and welfare structure to support our members and their families during times of illness, distress and financial hardship through both our local lodges and our own charity — Cambridgeshire Charity for Care and Relief.
Established in 1932, Cambridgeshire Charity for Care and Relief has been dispensing funds within the province to help and alleviate distress to Freemasons and their families as well as support other Masonic charities — such as the Masonic Charitable Foundation and other charitable Institutions and societies in our local area.
Cambridgeshire Charity for Care and Relief is a registered charity with the charity commission Reg Charity number 275991 and all our Trustees are Freemasons from across the province.
For more information, contact Alan de Laune on 07989 427105 or by email to alan.delaune@outlook.com