Cambridgeshire Freemasons help raise spirits at Addenbrooke’s Intensive Care Unit


Cambridgeshire Freemasons have donated £1,000 to the John Farman Intensive Care Unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. Members of St. Wendred Lodge, which meets at the Masonic Hall in Newmarket, raised money during meetings held just before lockdown. The collection was supplemented by a contribution from the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity for Care & Relief and fund-matched by the Cambridge University and City Masonic Trust.

The John Farman Intensive Care Unit is a 20-bed general intensive care unit which admits more than 1,000 patients per year and has a case-load from all the major surgical specialties. It is recognised for training at all levels in intensive care medicine and a 24/7 medically-led Rapid Response Team has recently been established.

Jane Olds, Matron at the Intensive Care Unit, said:

“Thank you so much for your generous donation of £1000 which we have paid into our Charity Fund. It will go a long way in helping patients on the unit through the purchasing of new equipment and continuing to help make the unit a brighter environment for patients, relatives and staff.”

Steve Young, from St Wendred Lodge, who coordinated the donation said:

“The John Farman Intensive Care Unit has been on the front line saving lives during these difficult times and so I’m really pleased St Wendred Lodge could support it. When lockdown eases, hopefully in the not too distant future, we hope to visit the Unit to see how our donation has made a difference.”