A first-class experience filled with special moments was enjoyed by all at Granta Lodge No. 6179. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a 60-year certificate to W. Bro Peter Swannell PPSGW, conducted by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Jonathan Lambert.

Peter’s long-standing connection with the lodge stretches back well beyond six decades. His father was a member, and from the age of 10, Peter would accompany his mother when she catered for lodge meetings at Linton. This means his association with the lodge extends even longer than 60 years! Remarkably, during this incredible tenure, Peter has never missed a meeting, surely, a record in itself.
In a touching moment, the lodge was called off briefly to welcome Peter’s wife, Susan, who joined the brethren to witness the presentation and later joined everyone for dinner.

The lodge was also pleased to welcome W. Bro Mike Martin from Webster Groves Lodge No. 84 under the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Mike, who is currently enjoying a month-long vacation in Europe, chose Granta Lodge as the first stop on his Masonic tour across the UK and Germany. His insights into the differences between US Freemasonry and what he observed at Granta Lodge were enlightening and much appreciated.
To cap off this wonderful evening, Bro Duncan Berry was raised to the Third Degree in an exemplary manner, bringing a perfect conclusion to a night that will be long remembered by all who attended.