The Ancient & Accepted Rite Higher Degrees meeting held at Supreme Council 33º at Duke Street in London on Monday 16th September saw three members of the Cambridge & Isle of Ely District receive and welcomed into the 30º of the Order.

Ill∴Bro. Andrew Ambrose-Thurman of University Chapter No.30, Ill∴Bro. Robin Cawston of Wysbech Trinity Chapter No. 822 and Ill∴Bro. Peter Thomas of Iceni Chapter No.1126, had all recently completed successful years as Sovereign’s of their respective Chapters and were rewarded with an magnificent ceremony undertaken by members of Supreme Council. In total, 47 candidates from Districts across England & Wales received the Degree, known as “Grand Elected Knight Kadosh” with Bro. Andrew being the representative candidate for them all.
All three were well supported by brethren of the District including The Inspector General, V.Ill.Bro. Justin Curtis 33º. Ill∴Bro. Ian Greig 32º, Past District Recorder, Ill∴Bro. John Breeze 32º and Ill∴Bro. Brian Elliott 31º. Following the ceremony, a celebration dinner was taken at Mark Masons’ Hall with the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Order presiding.
Further information about the Order can be obtained by contacting the District Recorder on
Ill∴Bro. Brian Elliott 31°
District of Cambridge and Isle of Ely