The 33rd and latest Craft Lodge added into the family of Lodges within Cambridgeshire Province, Hutchinson Masters Lodge No 10027, Consecrated on the 30th March 2023, held its first Installation Meeting under a Dispensation at March Masonic Centre on the 7th March 2024.

A total of 57 members and guests assembled to witness the Lodge’s Primus Master, V.W.Bro. John Sherriff, PGSwdB, Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master successfully Instal W.Bro. Brian Sutton, PPSGW, CSM as the second Worshipful Master of the Lodge.
The Lodge was honoured by the presence of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Pat Kilby, PGSwdB, being a Founder of the Lodge and founding IPM, along with guest of the Lodge, W.Bro. David Blair, PAGDC, Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
Prior to the Installation ceremony, the WM, V.W.Bro. Sherriff was delighted to welcome 10 Joining Members to the Lodge, adding that he was pleased that this second Installed Masters Lodge within the Province, was proving a popular destination for Installed Masters and supporting the work of its sister Lodge, Cambridge Installed Masters Lodge No.7429. Later in the meeting a further 6 nominations for Joining Members was announced by the Lodge Secretary.

During the Festive Board lunch of roast beef which concluded the morning, the Provincial Grand Master’s gifted decanter from the Festival Dinner was suitably supplied with Port by the WM, W.Bro. Brian Sutton, to the enjoyment of all.